You are here to heal and release all that is preventing you from living a heart-centred life filled with joy

The Akashic Records is a place of truth and clarity from which you can access all the information that you need to support you to transform your life. I offer Soul Awakening sessions, that bring absolute clarity to your Soul gifts & attributes, the challenges that you are here to overcome, your strongest creative driving energies that bring abundance into your life & the Soul wounding you hold in this incarnation.
These sessions identify the root cause of your blocks and the reasons why they were created. You will also receive a powerful, personal clearing process that removes the blocks & shifts you into a state of self-empowerment that begins to transform your life. This session brings you back into self-empowerment.

Imagine being given a roadmap for your life that brings clarity to your experience, prepares you for the challenges you may face and highlights the times when you step into powerful alignment with the flow of abundance around you! An Akashic Natal Chart reading offers this and more. Through this reading you will discover who you are destined to become, the experiences you are likely to attract in, the inner resources that guide you in life and your true Soul personality.
Akashic Natal Chart readings also review how your Soul matures & significant times in your life when major changes will occur. A Soul Awakening session dives into the past to unearth what is blocking you, & this reading guides you on the path ahead.

Have you been feeling called to connect to the Akashic Records, either for yourself or for others? I have recently began to teach Soul Awakening sessions to people who are looking for a way of working in the Akasha. I offer an online course that teaches a step by step process of accessing and developing a strong and deep connection to the Akashic Records and a practical and powerful modality to be of service to others and help them find their path to healing.
You do not choose to work in the Akasha, the Akasha attracts you in, because your Soul is yearning connection to this place of truth. If you are here, & you are reading this, then your Soul has guided you here to explore this further, and seek a deeper connection to your own intuitive voice.