Eighteen years ago I woke up and realised that despite having everything in life that I wanted – a beautiful family, loving husband, amazing home and a career that I enjoyed – something was missing!
I knew that externally, my life looked perfect, but internally I wasn’t happy, I was crippled with fear and insecurities and felt isolated and misunderstood. I knew there was a part of myself that I wasn’t allowing to surface and I was craving a way to step into my own authentic truth.
This was the start of my self-empowerment journey. This journey has taken me from darkness into light, from self-doubt into self-love and from sadness into happiness.
My strongest desire now, is to share all that I have learnt, in the hope that it helps you to create the life that your Soul is here to live. My offerings and teachings are all designed to support you in creating inner alignment, self-empowerment and connection to your own intuitive intelligence.
I would love to share your journey into self-transformation and help you to create a life that you love.

For the last 15 years I have worked as a professional Intuitive, Intuition Development Teacher, Soul Coach, Akashic Records facilitator and creator of Soul Awakening, Meditation practitioner, women’s Retreat facilitator and holder of space in women’s Circles.
I have walked the walk of disempowerment, anxiety, depression and insecurity. These negative patterns kept me stuck, unhappy and unable to create the life that I so desired. My journey through this has taught me that it is possible to turn your life around when you start to take care of your inner world. When you dig deeper and heal your core woundings that build up the layers of fear, self-deprecation and inauthenticity.
You may be on a similar journey, and that is what has bought you here today. What I offer here are practical, down to Earth teachings and tools for living a joyful life, based on my own experiences. If that sounds like something you are looking for, I invite you to join me on the journey to discover self-empowerment, inner peace, clarity and Soul fulfilment.
“You are here to create a life of joy. My mission is to help you clear whatever is in your way, and offer you the support, tools and guidance that will help you to embrace the changes within, to find the life your Soul desires”.

I am an Earth lover and I love living near the beach, but I also love travelling out onto the land.
I love Owls and find that they pop into my life at significant times to bring me messages and affirm my intuitive musings
I also love Wombats & there is no mystery here, I just love them because they are fat and wobbly and cute
I am a Taurean and when people suggest that makes me stubborn, I wonder why they say that as if it is a bad thing! I am also extremely grounded & determined to achieve whatever I put my mind too
I am extremely passionate about helping other people connect to their true inner power & intuition
I crave the deep connection that the Earth and sitting in Circle with women brings me

To the land….
With respect to the land that I live on and the people that came before me, I acknowledge that I live and work on Bundjalung Country the land of the Midjumbil and Durumbil people.
I pay my respect to Elders past, present and emerging.
If you would like to know which land you live or work on go to Native Land
If you really want to know more and support the reconciliation process you may wish to read the Uluru Statement from the Heart

Whether you are seeking a way to clear blocks to abundance, looking for on-going support or searching for clarity, this FREE audio course will start you on your journey NOW!

Inspirational messages from the Akashic Records. Sign up for these daily insights into the energies supporting you throughout each day.